Exercism Can Rid You of Drinking Demons
I just finished a vigorous 40 minutes on my elliptical machine in the basement. I made a promise to myself -- that's different than a resolution that doesn't last through January -- to exercise regularly through the new year and beyond. This is one promise I have kept. Exercise should be a tool to handle your triggers. When I was in rehab, I walked and later jogged almost every afternoon. It's not foolproof. In days past I sometimes jogged when I was a little drunk. Exercise alone will seldom prevent relapses. But combined with other preventive tools, it can help Working out almost daily made me feel strong last summer when I hiked or did heavy-duty yard chores. Used to be I couldn't mow the front and back yards on the same day. Now I can mow everything and run the electric trimmer before the day gets too hot. I don't weigh myself. But my sagging gut is pretty much gone. The last time I went to the doctor was in August and I had lost about 20 pounds. All...