Exercism Can Rid You of Drinking Demons
I just finished a vigorous 40 minutes on my elliptical machine in the basement. I made a promise to myself -- that's different than a resolution that doesn't last through January -- to exercise regularly through the new year and beyond. This is one promise I have kept.

Working out almost daily made me feel strong last summer when I hiked or did heavy-duty yard chores. Used to be I couldn't mow the front and back yards on the same day. Now I can mow everything and run the electric trimmer before the day gets too hot.
I don't weigh myself. But my sagging gut is pretty much gone. The last time I went to the doctor was in August and I had lost about 20 pounds.
All kinds of physical and mental benefits come from exercising. It doesn't have to take much time and can be beneficial with modest effort. Any little exercise can be helpful, except the one that lifts a fork to your mouth.
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