If .08 Is Illegal to Drive, What Happens Beyond .08?

Here is more from the Dr. Phil show I encouraged you to watch earlier. (https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-ssl-001&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=ssl&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.drphil.com%2Fshows%2Fblack-and-blue-blackout-drunk%2F#id=2&vid=f92308c4a4ba8d33367ee4313910e4cf&action=view)

At .10

  • Slurred speech, poor judgment
  • Coordination, motor skills, balance impaired
  • Uninhibited, slow thinking, emotionality

At .20
  • All the disabilities from .01
  • Disoriented, uncoordinated
  • Double vision, blackouts, aggressive
  • Vomiting, gag reflexes impaired (may choke on vomit)

At .25

  • All of the above
  • Mental, physical, sensory severely impaired
  • Possible loss of consciousness
  • High risk of choking on vomit
At .30

  • See above, plus:
  • Medical emergency zone
  • May pass out
  • Tremors, memory loss, possible death
At .35

  • Breathing and heart rate decrease
  • Lose bladder control; passed out on the floor in a pool of your own urine
  • Possible death is 50%
At .40

  • Difficulty breathing, heart rate even slower
  • Accepted as lethal level
At .50

  • Death highly probable

A few years ago, my cat bit me and my hand became infected. I went to the emergency room and was given antibiotics. They took some blood and the nurse told me my alcohol level was really high -- I think she said .40. She couldn't believe I was still alive, let alone talking and functioning as if sober.

Imagine: I was still functioning well enough at this high level to grab another drink if I were still at home by myself. Then what?

When I felt good drinking, I figured one more would make me feel even better. Then another. I shouldn't have trusted how I felt. The cumulative effect of drink after drink comes suddenly after it is too late.

God kept me alive for a reason. Maybe that reason is to lead you to stop drinking right now as you are reading this.
