One To Enjoy, Two To Feel Better, Three To -- Uh, I Forget Why

I heard someone say that at an A.A. meeting one time and wrote it down. I thought it was a good description of my own drinking. I never drank with plans to black out or pass out. I drank because I enjoyed it.
But I'm only going to enjoy one drink, maybe two, I told myself. I never measured liquor with a shot glass. I just poured it into my juice or pop; enough that it tasted good.
Often, I did enjoy two drinks. Then I lost control. Sometimes, after I was sober, I was upset that the vodka bottle was so empty. I couldn't remember drinking that much.
When I enjoyed it, I couldn't control it.
So I quit drinking. Maybe that lasted for a whole week or so. But I couldn't enjoy that. So I drank again. It was a downward spiral.

Which leads me to say: If you don't like any of my previous posts, blame me for being uninspired. Don't blame God for any of my messages that may have missed the mark or failed to inspire you. Go on. Go back. Read a post you haven't read before or maybe forgot. Then come back again
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