Are You Looking for God in the Right Places?
My childhood friend, David, posted this on Facebook. He beautifully says what we need to do to turn our lives around. Emphasis and parenthetical addition at the end are mine:

How do we begin the process of letting God guide our lives? When we seek advice about situations that trouble us, we often find that God works through others. When we accept that we don’t have all the answers, we open ourselves to new and different options. A willingness to let go of our preconceived ideas and opinions opens the channel for spiritual guidance to light our way.
There is no point in living a frantic existence. Charging through life like the house is on fire exhausts us and gets us nowhere. In the long run, no amount of manipulation on our part will change a situation. When we let go and allow ourselves access to a God, we will discover the best way to proceed. Rest assured, answers derived from a sound spiritual basis will be far superior to any answers we could concoct on our own [or concoct by drinking].
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