"Used to Depend on the Person I See"

This probably is my last blog post until October 1. I leave early tomorrow to visit my daughter in Colorado. I hope you will then tune in to corkingthebottle.blogspot.com again. Stay sober, one day at a time. I thank the Lord my mom was no drinker, so the lyrics below don't apply to her. Most of those apply to me, however; they're the things my wife sadly said to me. I share this with you because I think it is on the mark -- and I don't mean Makers Mark! Cosmo Jarvis - Mummy's Been Drinking http://www.songlyrics.com/cosmo-jarvis/mummys-been-drinking-lyrics/ Mummy's been drinking, Mummy's been drinking, Mummy's been drinking, Drinking again. Mummy's been drinking, Mummy's been drinking, Mummy's been drinking, Go tell a friend. Now I can see every one of your flaws, All of the things I could not see before. You come in stinking and slurring your words, You don't stop talking and ironing shirts. Wh...