How to Recognize the Danger Signs of Relapse: Part 1 of 12
When kids are incorrigible, we like to say, "Eh. It's only a phase."
Relapse back to alcohol is only a phase, too, but not one we are likely to grow out of without help. When I relapsed, I grew into it and phased my way through an open sewer. I crawled out of the muck and now count myself among the lucky ones. You, your family, your friends also can be counted among the lucky if you recognize the 11 phases of relapse and do something to end the descent.
Terrance T. Gorski, co-author of Staying Sober, identified the 11 phases in the book I have cited here before ( I can't just skim over them in a blog post, and to deal with all in one day would be too much to digest at once.
Instead, I will dangle this teaser in front of you. Today, I will name all 11 phases of alcohol relapse. Then for the next 11 days, I will detail each for you. I hope you will find the series helpful enough to review again and again -- at once or in pieces. You can checkmark symptoms of the 11 phases to see if you or a loved one is in danger of relapsing.
Gorski's research involved 118 recovering patients who had four things in common:

Terrance T. Gorski, co-author of Staying Sober, identified the 11 phases in the book I have cited here before ( I can't just skim over them in a blog post, and to deal with all in one day would be too much to digest at once.
Instead, I will dangle this teaser in front of you. Today, I will name all 11 phases of alcohol relapse. Then for the next 11 days, I will detail each for you. I hope you will find the series helpful enough to review again and again -- at once or in pieces. You can checkmark symptoms of the 11 phases to see if you or a loved one is in danger of relapsing.

- They completed a 21- or 28-day rehab program;
- They recognized they could never again safely use alcohol;
- They intended to remain sober forever through A.A. and outpatient counseling;
- They had eventually relapsed to drinking despite 1-3.
Symptoms and Warning Signs of Relapse
Phase 1: Internal change
Phase 2: Denial
Phase 3: Avoidance and defensiveness
Phase 4: Crisis building
Phase 5: Immobilization
Phase 6: Confusion and overreaction
Phase 7: Depression
Phase 8: Behavioral loss of control
Phase 9: Recognition of loss of control
Phase 10: Option reduction
Phase 11: Alcohol use
Tune in tomorrow to learn what Gorski means by "internal change."
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