From My Pedestal I Could Look Down on You
I was in Grove City, PA, visiting my mother, my sister, and her family the past two days. At lunch yesterday, my sister made the observation that I had been placed on a pedestal, and that made me judgemental. There was a time I would have bristled and denied her opinion. My mother's nods, anyway, added umph to her statement. I never thought I was on any pedestal. But my healing from alcoholism did make me acknowledge in Step 4 that I was full of myself, and I found characteristics in many others that I judged to make them inferior. Yes, I'm afraid I have been judgemental. My sister and mother agreed that I'm not as bad at that as I used to. I hope that is so. The 12 Steps made me come to the realization that everyone is just like me; none better, none inferior. Praise God for turning my alcoholism into positive acknowledgements of my old self. I turn my character defects over to God. Make me a better person.