This Time We won! And So Did My Liver
The University of Louisville women's basketball team beat Connecticut last night by nine points. With that win came a reminder to me about not drinking and about living in the present.
Huh? UConn beat Louisville 17 straight times, including twice in the national championship. I was there yesterday to watch that dreadful streak end. (Sorry if you are from Connecticut.)
Those 17 wins were clobberings. The Cardinals couldn't come close. I can't remember if I drank away my sorrows after the previous losses -- but I might have. I am grateful I didn't even consider a celebratory drink after last night's game. Drinking away a loss or after a win is senseless.
And how about a drink to forget the 17 losses? What for? They no longer count. They are in the past. "We will not forget the past nor wish to shut the door on it." (Big Book, page 83) No longer is my team 0-17. Now we are 1-0! The present is all that counts.
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