When You Own a Mistake, Promptly Admit It

We must take ownership of our actions. As Mark said at A.A., "The cookie broke. No, say 'I broke the cookie.'"

Step 10 tells us: "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it."

That brings us back to junior high English class and to my many years as a journalist and corporate writer. Don't use passive voice if you know the actor. Use active voice.

To say, "The door was left open," or "The door was left open by me" is weaker than "I left the door open." "The house was broken into," or "Thieves broke into the house"?

"The beer was drunk," or "I drank the beer (and now I am drunk")?

I need to take ownership of my actions. And when I am wrong, promptly admit it.
