Who Opened the Trap Door On My Stage?

All the world's a stage, according to Shakespeare. Oscar Wilde said it more accurately with, "The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast." I have a leading role, I'm afraid. And as an alcoholic, I find the world's actually four stages. The stages of alcoholism are spelled out at http://www.addictioncampuses.com/blog/the-4-stages-of-alcoholism-for-the-functioning-alcoholic/ . I will go through the stages and my experience in each. Stage 1: Occasional alcohol abuse and binge drinking -- I drank once in a while. No problem, eh? I drank too much on weekends when I was home alone and my wife worked. If I had no place to go, I was fine drinking and sleeping my way through dull days. Stage 2: Increased drinking as a coping mechanism -- After I was laid off from my job of 16 years, I filled my time tutoring, working for a consulting firm, and drinking in between. This was my depressed period. I denied to myself and those close to me that I was depressed o...