Covid Test? I'll Drink to That!

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I am doing my part to halt the spread of the coronavirus. I wash my hands and use hand sanitizer. I wear a mask in public. I leave my house only when I have a real need. And this morning, I had a covid-19 test.

It's no longer necessary to display symptoms to get a test. Kentucky Governor Beshear, during his daily news briefings, encourages all to take a test. I made an appointment online. There was no waiting. I drove up, cracked my window, and received a swab and a vial. Sticking that baby up my nose made me sneeze like crazy, That was the only discomfort. For my effort I received a mask, tissues, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. No charge.

The hand sanitizer has the consistency of water -- or whiskey -- not like lotion. According to the label, it consists of 80% alcohol.

Eighty percent? Do you know what I would have been tempted to try to do with that if I was still drinking and was out of booze? Yuk! But if I could drink a bottle of mouthwash back in my crazy days, I probably might have maybe tried a sip. Then more.

Well, didn't our beloved president wonder on live TV if he could ingest antiseptic to cure or prevent the coronavirus? Don't get me started on him.
