Thy Rod and Thy Staph Don't Comfort Me

Woe is me. I'm having a bad day.

I was scheduled to have knee replacement surgery this week, but I was diagnosed with a staph infection on my hip. I don't know where that came from, but it means my surgery is postponed. Some days my knee isn't too bad. But on others, like today, it's hard to walk.
Doctor, Man, Illustration, Hospital

Furthermore, I decided last week to stop going to A.A. meetings so I won't catch or pass the coronavirus. I texted my sponsor a moment ago to alert him that I don't plan to attend meetings for a while. I promised to call if I get a craving to drink.

I don't expect that to happen. I haven't been tempted since my sobriety date last May. A.A. helps with that. Writing this blog helps. God helps me even more. I pray often to do His will through me. I'm fairly certain His will isn't for me to relapse.

I am more-or-less homebound for now because it hurts to walk and I don't want to catch the coronavirus.

I'm curious, dear readers, if you are still attending A.A. meetings during the pandemic. Write me a comment and, if you stopped going, tell how you intend to stay sober until life returns to normal.
