Souper Tips for the Recovering Alcoholic

As I write this, the spread of the coronavirus is the big story around the world. For those with symptoms, here is some chicken soup --Chicken Soup for the Soul, that is. I bought it for a couple bucks at a Goodwill store and finished reading it this morning.
The last item is "100 Gifts to Give All Year Long." I will pull out a few items that I think are valuable for us alcoholics:
- Smile.
- Provide a shoulder to lean on.
- Pat someone on the back.
- Ignore a rude remark.
- Pay your bills on time.
- Give your used clothes to a needy person.
- Say something nice to someone.
- Catch someone doing it right and say, Great job!"
- Tell the truth, but with kindness and tact, Ask, "Does the other person really need to hear this?" (Step 9)
- Do a kind deed anonymously.
- Listen.
- Lighten up. Find the funny side of a situation.
- Take a quiet walk when you feel like blowing your top.
- Look for something beautiful in one person every day.
- Ask a friend for help, even when you don't need it.
- Point out the beauty and wonder of nature to those you love.
- Allow someone a mistake.
- Allow yourself several mistakes.
- Let go of the urge to be critical of someone.
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