Now Is the Time for Hope and Strength
Coronavirus doesn't exist. Think positively. If there is a coronavirus, it will go away without affecting me, my family, or my friends. That's what I call "positive thinking."
In reality, that's what I call hogwash.
Wait. I do believe in positive thinking. But what exists in my "Pleasantville" doesn't exist in Louisville. People get sick. Divorce happens. Domestic violence exists. The police shot and killed someone's brother, son, and maybe father downtown yesterday because he pulled a weapon on police.
Bad stuff like covid-19 exists. So do rainbows and butterflies. God gets us through the bad stuff and enables us to enjoy the good stuff. He tests us in many ways. My alcoholism was a test. It wasn't God's will, but He used my addiction to make me a better person once I emerged from the darkness of the disease. Have faith in a Higher Power, and this too will pass.
I opened up a book I read sometime back and came across a passage that supports what I'm trying to say. The book is Awakening in Time by Jacqueline Small ( I've quoted her before. Please note:
"True positive thinking means focusing in the direction of what is life-giving even while someone or something is in the process of being negative or even dying. It is about being willing to face every new moment, every new circumstance as it unfolds, with the hope and strength to deal with all that is occurring -- both the terror and the bliss of transformation. In Twelve Step work, this is known as taking it 'one day at a time.' -- and even one moment at a time."
How are you dealing with the coronavirus? We need the serenity to accept what we cannot change. And the willingness to face everything with the hope and strength to deal with it all.
In reality, that's what I call hogwash.
Wait. I do believe in positive thinking. But what exists in my "Pleasantville" doesn't exist in Louisville. People get sick. Divorce happens. Domestic violence exists. The police shot and killed someone's brother, son, and maybe father downtown yesterday because he pulled a weapon on police.

I opened up a book I read sometime back and came across a passage that supports what I'm trying to say. The book is Awakening in Time by Jacqueline Small ( I've quoted her before. Please note:
"True positive thinking means focusing in the direction of what is life-giving even while someone or something is in the process of being negative or even dying. It is about being willing to face every new moment, every new circumstance as it unfolds, with the hope and strength to deal with all that is occurring -- both the terror and the bliss of transformation. In Twelve Step work, this is known as taking it 'one day at a time.' -- and even one moment at a time."
How are you dealing with the coronavirus? We need the serenity to accept what we cannot change. And the willingness to face everything with the hope and strength to deal with it all.
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