A Weekly Steeplechase Should Be a Never-Ending Marathon

It's a Baptist church, very well attended last week. Sure, people were nice. But only three welcomed me and introduced themselves. Of course I didn't approach them. I was a stranger playing on their home field.
A.A. people are more friendly. Maybe because it's not a clique. Maybe because we know we automatically have something in common. We all are there for the same reason.
Correct me if I am wrong, but church people are church people for various reasons. Some are there to praise and thank God. Some are there for the music, some for the sermon. Others want to socialize. Some want to be seen. Some seek forgiveness, some give gratitude to the Lord.
There are those who don't give God much thought until same time next week.
Alcoholics need constant reinforcement from others and never-ending love from God. I speak for many when I say A.A. is a spiritual booster shot whenever needed. All are there for one reason: a desire to stop drinking.
If an A.A. member forgets God till next week, there may be trouble ahead. God got us out of our mess, and He keeps us out of it every day we pray to Him and know he cares about us.
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