I Am Glad To Be Where I Never Wanted To Be

Jim says some clever things at my home A.A. meetings. I don't know if he reads them, hears them from others, or if he is really this clever.

He called A.A. "the biggest organization no one ever wanted to come to."

He's right. I sure didn't want to be a member. I resisted attending meetings for a long time until I felt like my marriage was about to be hammered, as I was. So I tried it. At my first meeting, the man next to me introduced me to the Big Book and paid halves for me. When I heard about sponsors, he agreed to be mine. When the leader asked if anyone was at his first A.A. meeting, I raised my hand and announced, "I'm Dan and I'm an alcoholic."

Those there applauded and many introduced themselves to me and welcomed me after the meeting. It took me a few years of meetings and relapses before I found the road I'm on now, but A.A. members have been a help to me. I hope I have been a help to some of them.

This is the kindest group of people I never wanted to be around. I thank God for leading me to A.A.
