Find Your Wall and Let It Fall

This was posted in one of my Facebook groups, Faces and Voices of Recovery. I want to share it with y'all.

What are your walls?

Walls hide us from knowing who we are - by blocking our Light. Until they come down, we will continue to cheat ourselves from knowing LOVE as our true state of being.

We build most of our walls without even knowing it. They are built to protect and make sense out of our negative thoughts, emotions, and painful experience. Most begin to develop in childhood and continue to operate in the subconscious mind if not dealt with and healed.
Our walls are made up of bricks that represent many different patterns of behaviors that keep us from living our best lives and keep those who care about us at a distance.
Here are the bricks that made up my wall that kept me sick for many years:

*   Shame was the largest section of my wall. Believing I was a mistake and not good enough.

*   Addiction was my second largest section of the wall. My inability to deal with pain.

*   In third place was playing a victim: I had to let go of the idea that someone was going to save or rescue me. I had to make the decision that I was worth saving.

*   My inability to handle my emotions.

*   Being a fake person, people-pleasing, and manipulation.

*   Unwilling to be vulnerable with others because of my fear of rejection or being hurt. I had trust issues up the kazoo.

*   Fear of failure and success. Fear was the life-sucking bricks of my wall.

*   My reaction to men with authority....
Breaking down the wall, brick by brick is challenging work. We will need others to help us recognize our walls because everyone has blind spots. But most importantly we will need to practice compassion and love-kindness for ourselves in the process of taking down each brick...

~Paul Noiles
