Circle the Wagons for Strength

I don't think I've written yet about how A.A. reminds me of church, but with one important difference. A.A. members come together to help themselves and to serve others. Church members do the same -- in theory at least.
I would go on with the comparison, but I hope brevity will keep you reading to the end. The biggest difference between A.A. and church, in my mind, is that A.A. encourages us to worship a higher power: our higher power. Church tells us what we are supposed to believe.
Now for the circle: A.A. and churches are like a second family to those of us involved. The circle, and the family, cannot be broken. There is no beginning and no end. Not anger nor hostilities can damage it. In my case, family is a big part of my life, even though we are scattered across hundreds of miles. My A.A. family is close. I feel fortunate to have two circles of strength in my life.
No, the circle won't be broken
Bye and bye, Lord, bye and bye ...
Daddy'll sing bass, Mama'll sing tenor
Me and little brother will join right in there
In the sky, Lord, in the sky
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