Hollywood Star Discovers Open and Honest A.A. Meetings

And now a word from Brad Pitt:
"With starring roles in two of 2019's biggest movies, 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' and 'Ad Astra,' Brad Pitt spoke to the New York Times about a particularly cathartic experience that contributed to his health and success this year, when he quit drinking and began going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
“'I had taken things as far as I could take it, so I removed my drinking privileges,' he said, before praising his AA group, which was comprised solely of men. 'You had all these men sitting around being open and honest in a way I have never heard. It was this safe space where there was little judgment, and therefore little judgment of yourself.'
"Despite his status as one of Hollywood's most recognizable movie stars, Pitt shared that nobody in his group sold his stories – told to the other members in confidence – to the tabloids.
"'It was actually really freeing just to expose the ugly sides of yourself,' he said. 'There’s great value in that.'"   https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2019/09/04/brad-pitt-praises-alcoholics-anonymous-experience-talks-sobriety-struggles/2207360001/
Attending A.A. can be a rewarding experience. Do you go? Openness and honesty are refreshing!
