Where To Look for God

We've all done it. I'm not senile.

I couldn't find my keys the other day. I looked throughout the house. I looked in the car. I was convinced someone must have taken them.

Then I heard a jingling in my pocket. The keys were with me all along.

We tend to look for God the same way. We think He is in church. We think He is in nature. We think he is in heaven or up in the clouds someplace. He is in all those places, for sure. But to find God, look no further than your own pocket.

Discovering The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck (http://www.mscottpeck.com/) was like discovering gold in the ditch behind my house. In this book is a wealth of knowledge about myself, my alcoholism, and God.

For the God part of this wisdom, Dr. Peck tells us to turn inward to find God: "He is part of us. If you want to know the closest place to look for grace, it is within yourself.... What this suggests is that the interface between God and man is at least part of the interface between our unconscious and our conscious. To put it plainly, our unconscious is God. God within us. We were part of God all the time. God has been with us all along, is now, and always will be."

According to the psychiatric pioneer Carl Jung, we all share a collective unconscious. We all are connected. Within this collective unconscious is God. We all are connected to Him.
