Mom Loves Her Son Unconditionally
Some of us, though, tripped over a very different snag. We clung to the claim that when drinking we never hurt anybody but ourselves.
Step Eight tells us, "Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all." I have my list. But I'm not sure I am ready to make amends.My mother is on the list. She is 87 years old and lives 430 miles away from me. I never drank in front of her or was drunk when with her. But there have been times my hands shook, I threw up, and was listless after a binge. How do I make amends to her? How can I bring up the subject?
She knows I am an alcoholic. She knows I quit drinking, one day at a time. But I haven't figured put how to make amends except by staying away from alcohol. For some unknown reason, she loves me now as much as she ever did. I am grateful to God for that. Loving her in return means I must stay sober. Even when she is gone.
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