God, Relieve Me of This Suffering
This is June, the sixth month. A.A.'s Daily Reflections relate to Step Six: "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character."
Let's look at Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, an A.A. book often called the 12 and 12. The chapter about Step Six tells all of us how we can rid ourselves, not only of alcohol, but of all of the inner demons that bedevil us. The solution is God. Turn all our defects, including addictions, over to God. It means waving our white flag and surrendering.
"Sure, I was beaten, absolutely licked. My own willpower just wouldn't work on alcohol. (My own footnote: Add A.A., therapy, group therapy, inpatient treatment, and my wife's anger to this list.) I simply couldn't stop drinking, and no human being could seem to do the job for me. But when I became willing to clean house and then asked a Higher Power, God as I understood Him, to give me release, my obsession to drink vanished. It was lifted right out of me....
"Having been granted a perfect release from alcoholism, why shouldn't we be able to achieve by the same means a perfect release from every other difficulty or defect."
I found that to be true for me. It works. Asking God to take away our difficulties really does work.
Can I hear a hearty Amen!
Let's look at Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, an A.A. book often called the 12 and 12. The chapter about Step Six tells all of us how we can rid ourselves, not only of alcohol, but of all of the inner demons that bedevil us. The solution is God. Turn all our defects, including addictions, over to God. It means waving our white flag and surrendering.

"Having been granted a perfect release from alcoholism, why shouldn't we be able to achieve by the same means a perfect release from every other difficulty or defect."
I found that to be true for me. It works. Asking God to take away our difficulties really does work.
Can I hear a hearty Amen!
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