"God, I'll Steer And You Sit Back And Watch the GPS"
Many claim they couldn't be free of alcoholism till they reached rock bottom. I fell to a low spot, but I was still digging when God lifted me from the pit.
I have been reading God Is for Real by Todd Burpo. (https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=god+id+real+burpo&fr=yhs-pty-pty_email&hspart=pty&hsimp=yhs-pty_email&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2Ffiles%2F1%2F1178%2F6522%2Fproducts%2FGod_is_for_Real_by_Todd_Burpo_author_of_Heaven_is_for_Real_-_hard_cover_from_www.Art-SoulWorks_9b597825-6810-4991-bca1-d64968ff47e8_large.jpg%3Fv%3D1506742633#id=0&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2Ffiles%2F1%2F1178%2F6522%2Fproducts%2FGod_is_for_Real_by_Todd_Burpo_author_of_Heaven_is_for_Real_-_hard_cover_from_www.Art-SoulWorks_9b597825-6810-4991-bca1-d64968ff47e8_large.jpg%3Fv%3D1506742633&action=click)
Nuts, that's a long link. Sorry.
I want to quote from the book about rock bottom:
"Have you reached the end of yourself? Are you close to hitting rock bottom? Or perhaps you've hit rock bottom before, or know someone who has. I think it makes perfect sense to bet your life on God, when you have no other options before you.
"The reality is that those who hit rock bottom are given the gift of knowing what we all deny. We think we are self-reliant, we think we are doing fine...but we have all hit rock bottom in our sin, and in the long term we all depend on God for everything whether we know it or not. In some sense, the wisest people in the room are those who have come to the end of themselves. They look down and out -- but they are closer to God's truth than the rest of us. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first....
"When you're out of control you say, '(God), take the wheel' -- not '(God) would you grab the map and give me advice as my copilot?' ... Nothing is more fulfilling than to surrender your life to God."
I have been reading God Is for Real by Todd Burpo. (https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=god+id+real+burpo&fr=yhs-pty-pty_email&hspart=pty&hsimp=yhs-pty_email&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2Ffiles%2F1%2F1178%2F6522%2Fproducts%2FGod_is_for_Real_by_Todd_Burpo_author_of_Heaven_is_for_Real_-_hard_cover_from_www.Art-SoulWorks_9b597825-6810-4991-bca1-d64968ff47e8_large.jpg%3Fv%3D1506742633#id=0&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2Ffiles%2F1%2F1178%2F6522%2Fproducts%2FGod_is_for_Real_by_Todd_Burpo_author_of_Heaven_is_for_Real_-_hard_cover_from_www.Art-SoulWorks_9b597825-6810-4991-bca1-d64968ff47e8_large.jpg%3Fv%3D1506742633&action=click)
Nuts, that's a long link. Sorry.
I want to quote from the book about rock bottom:

"The reality is that those who hit rock bottom are given the gift of knowing what we all deny. We think we are self-reliant, we think we are doing fine...but we have all hit rock bottom in our sin, and in the long term we all depend on God for everything whether we know it or not. In some sense, the wisest people in the room are those who have come to the end of themselves. They look down and out -- but they are closer to God's truth than the rest of us. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first....
"When you're out of control you say, '(God), take the wheel' -- not '(God) would you grab the map and give me advice as my copilot?' ... Nothing is more fulfilling than to surrender your life to God."
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