"That God Could And Would If He Were Sought"
To give up our addicted ways requires a close relationship with a higher power. If I could think of a stronger word than "close" I would use it. "Intimate" maybe? When that bond is formed it is life-changing. If you have experienced such a rebirth, you know what I mean.
I sometimes quote The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck.(https://www.seeken.org/the-road-less-traveled-summary/) Here is his view of rebirth, the kind we feel when we find God and stop drinking (pages 250-251):
"We are always either less or more competent than we believe ourselves to be. The unconscious, however, knows who we really are. A major and essential task in the process of one's spiritual development is the continuous work of bringing one's conscious self-concept into progressively greater congruence with reality. When a large part of this lifelong task is accomplished with relative rapidity, as it may be through intensive psychotherapy, the individual will feel 'reborn.' 'I am not the person I was,' a patient will say with real joy about the dramatic change in his or her consciousness; 'I am a totally new and different person.' Such a person has no difficulty in understanding the words of the song: 'I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.'"
My alcoholism was a gift. Now I see myself and the world in a different way. Seek your higher power, whether you are alcoholic or not.
I sometimes quote The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck.(https://www.seeken.org/the-road-less-traveled-summary/) Here is his view of rebirth, the kind we feel when we find God and stop drinking (pages 250-251):

My alcoholism was a gift. Now I see myself and the world in a different way. Seek your higher power, whether you are alcoholic or not.
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