Some Words of Wisdom From A.A. Meetings: Part 2

"A.A. isn't a religious program. Religion is for people trying to get to heaven. A.A. is a spiritual place for people who have been to hell and don't want to go back." (from the late Cecil)
About character defects: "Don't take credit for the good or blame for the bad.Change the bad and build on the good. Don't look back. You can only change the present, not the past."
"God gives us the gift of brokenness so we can be healed and find joy."
"I can be locked up, sobered up, or covered up."
Another from Cecil, quoting Patton: "He who angers me conquers me."
"Pride isn't feeling better than others. It's feeling good about yourself."
"The bottom is simply when you quit digging and lay down your shovel."
6 + 3 = 9. So does 5 + 4. The key is to get to 9 no matter what route you take."
"My happiness depends only on me and my relationship with God."
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