Walk This (Straight) Way
Jody relapsed the other night. She confessed tearfully at A.A. yesterday. It's not the first time she wept at a meeting. I can see she tries hard, but she is in the deadly clutches most of us experience as we try to stop drinking.
Several times in several ways, others at the meeting consoled her by pointing out that when we slip or relapse, we never lose what we gained. We have acquired new knowledge, new people, and new understanding of ourselves. Jody is better off now than during her last relapse because she has resources she didn't have before.
She now must recover from guilt, shame, and remorse. It's a hard road back. But at some point, that road straightens for us as long as we really want it to. Plus accepting God and His will for us will keep us on that straight road despite a few bumps and potholes.

She now must recover from guilt, shame, and remorse. It's a hard road back. But at some point, that road straightens for us as long as we really want it to. Plus accepting God and His will for us will keep us on that straight road despite a few bumps and potholes.
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