Finding the Tools That Will Fix Broken Old Me

(First published June 14, 2018 and edited today)

I'm not very handy when it comes to fixing stuff. At one time, my excuse was no good tools. Now I have plenty of tools and no legitimate excuses. Repairs may take me a long time, but I can only blame lack of knowledge or lack of effort when I fail. I've got plenty of tools in ye olde toolbox.

Same thing when it comes to drinking. I'm not so handy when it comes to fixing myself. But when I mess up, I don't degrade myself. I add another tool and sometimes get rid of the ones that aren't helping me.

I started off going to A.A. meetings once in a while and going to a local government-supported therapy program. I soon found I needed more than those two tools alone.

My toolbox is now full. I regularly:

In the past, I have relied on other group sessions and a 28-day inpatient program at The Brook here in Louisville. That's where I worked Steps 1-7. Great stuff!

My toolbox is full. I have been making wonderful progress in fixing myself.
