Shut Out Inner Noise Makers and Trust Your Guts

When I face choices between actions I should follow, my brain erupts in a similar shouting match. Eventually, I come to hush the cacophony and sort through the voices to make a decision. Call it a hunch. Call it intuition. Call it a feeling, a sense. Call it the voice of God. No matter what you call it, I come to learn which inner voice to listen to. How about you?
What voice is God's will, and what voice is mine trying to out-shout God? I find the best way to receive and carry out the right message, the solution to God's test, is to step back. Take a couple days off. Maybe a week. When I do that, I can act with more confidence I am following God's will. I ace His test! But not if I let the loudest inner voice get in my way.
Y'know, That's how I kept relapsing. A drink will make me feel better and help me make the right choice, I thought. The more drinks, the more I am sure I am right. That was me talking, but my gut was trying to tell me something else.
How stupid of me! I needed to wait a day. Wait a week.
Your heart will lie to you. Your mind will lie to you. But your gut never lies. That gut feeling, I think, is the voice of God. Listen and follow it.
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