Making Dry Spells Last -- One Day At a Time

Sometimes it's good to step back and listen to the thoughts of other recovering alcoholics. Here is one that came to me on Facebook yesterday.
Thanks Jacqueline Irene for the great share.

There is such a huge difference between Dry and Sober. There were so many times during my drinking career that I would take a month off or "stop" drinking just so I could shut people up. Most of that time was spent dreaming about my next drink or wondering how long I had to make this dry spell last before people left me alone.

When I finally got "SOBER" it was life changing. Sobriety and Recovery is a daily process filled with growth, forgiveness, spirituality, hope, love and so many other amazing things. I always say that if the rest of the world just lived by our principles the world would be such a better place.

I'm so thankful to be sober and not dry. I've met many a "sober" person who is completely miserable because they're simply not drinking. If you are going to be miserable then what's the point??
