God, Take the Wheel Before I Crash
I can't be in control all the time. There were times I wanted to be, tried to be, demanded I be. That never worked out so hot.
I came up with an analogy once when on a trip. The pilot, crew, and control tower were in control. Not me. That's a situation where I had to relinquish all control and trust others. My record as a pilot wasn't so good.
I also noted that for many years in the car, I rode in the passenger seat. My wife was at the wheel. She likes to drive and I would rather look at the scenery. On longer trips, I read and nap as she drives. I trust her to get us where we are going safely. Sometimes I offer suggestions: Don't follow so close behind that truck; Pass the old lady in front of us; The light is changing; Cars are stopping ahead.....
She rarely takes my suggestions. She is in control and would rather do things her own way. I am better off keeping my mouth shut and turning up the radio. (That's a suggestion she firmly offers to me.)
Likewise, it hasn't been easy letting God control my life. I had better ideas and tried to make suggestions, but to no avail. Then I came to Step 3:
"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him."
When I gave up control of my life and finally trusted God to fly the plane for me, life became easier. I was less stressed. Good things happened. Problems got solved. I stopped drinking. And when I felt as if I were being tested, I prayed and let God give me the answers. Only then did I get straight A's.

I also noted that for many years in the car, I rode in the passenger seat. My wife was at the wheel. She likes to drive and I would rather look at the scenery. On longer trips, I read and nap as she drives. I trust her to get us where we are going safely. Sometimes I offer suggestions: Don't follow so close behind that truck; Pass the old lady in front of us; The light is changing; Cars are stopping ahead.....
She rarely takes my suggestions. She is in control and would rather do things her own way. I am better off keeping my mouth shut and turning up the radio. (That's a suggestion she firmly offers to me.)
Likewise, it hasn't been easy letting God control my life. I had better ideas and tried to make suggestions, but to no avail. Then I came to Step 3:
"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him."
When I gave up control of my life and finally trusted God to fly the plane for me, life became easier. I was less stressed. Good things happened. Problems got solved. I stopped drinking. And when I felt as if I were being tested, I prayed and let God give me the answers. Only then did I get straight A's.
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