Devoted Never To Be Poached Again

"Humpty Dumpty sat on  a wall...."

We know what happened to Humpty. What we don't know is why a giant egg was ever stupid enough to sit on a wall anyway. Did he think he was going to get something out of such a dangerous roost?

I was just as stupid as Humpty Dumpty. Why, knowing I was an alcoholic, did I think I could get away with drinking? Alcohol was my wall. I got satisfaction perched on that wall. "I won't fall off," I told myself.


A high wall is no place for a recovering alcoholic. There is only one thing that can happen, and that one thing is bad. I choose now to remain in a styrofoam-padded egg carton. There is safety there. I am happy there.

All the king's horses and all the king's men can remain on standby to help some other egg that thought it could get away with sitting on a wall. I choose to be happy, joyous and free.
