Slowly I Turned, Step By Step, Inch By Inch...
Milestones are important markers that tell us how far we have come.
"Milestones were originally stone obelisks -- made from granite, marble, or whatever local stone was available -- and later concrete posts. They were widely used by Roman Empire road builders and were an important part of any Roman road"
We recognize milestones along our road to recovery. Thursday, my friend Judy celebrated her 11-year milestone. This week I made it to six months. At last, I got my blue chip! But only six months? Judy celebrated her own six months before she could make it to 11 years, so I am inspired to keep working my program.
Six months is highly significant to me on my never-ending road to sobriety. It marks the farthest I have ever traveled without slips and relapses ever since I first suspected I had a problem with alcohol.
My milestone tells me how far I have come -- one day and one mile at a time.

We recognize milestones along our road to recovery. Thursday, my friend Judy celebrated her 11-year milestone. This week I made it to six months. At last, I got my blue chip! But only six months? Judy celebrated her own six months before she could make it to 11 years, so I am inspired to keep working my program.
Six months is highly significant to me on my never-ending road to sobriety. It marks the farthest I have ever traveled without slips and relapses ever since I first suspected I had a problem with alcohol.
My milestone tells me how far I have come -- one day and one mile at a time.
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