Remembering Days of Wine and Whine

I just watched Days of Wine and Roses starring Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick (1962) It's a story of an alcoholic couple who loved each other and loved their daughter. It took Jack Lemmon (Joe) several tries to stay sober. Lee Remick (Kirsten) had a tougher time. In the end, Joe had to tell Kirsten they couldn't be together any more until she wanted and received help.
[Joe offers to reconcile with Kirsten - but only if she quits drinking] "You remember how it really was? You and me and booze - a threesome. You and I were a couple of drunks on the sea of booze, and the boat sank. I got hold of something that kept me from going under, and I'm not going to let go of it. Not for you. Not for anyone. If you want to grab on, grab on. But there's just room for you and me - no threesome."
The TV hostess said Jack Lemmon and Director Blake Edwards both drank heavily together during the filming, ironically. She claimed they both got help later.
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